Bya Lessa er i: Den Haag, Nederland

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  • Størrelse
    19x5 cm
  • Alder
    28 år
  • Høyde
    160 cm
  • Vekt
    68 kg
  • Type
  • Nasjonalitet
  • Språk
    engelsk, portugisisk
  • My cam chat
  • My OnlyFans
  • My Social media
  • Mottar

hi guys!

I'm a brunette transex, 1.60m tall, 67kg and 19 centimeters of dick. I do it active or passive, I love being sucked, my photos are homemade, I guarantee you won't regret it.

My service is totally soft and without mechanisms, it will seem that we met at the club or bar and went to a more interesting place. I promise to seduce you all the time, breaking any tense mood, don't worry.

I don't use and I don't sell drugs so don't waste ur time trying this, I do not accept calls from restricted numbers, for security reasons

if u want to be bottom, make sure ur ass is clean beforehand so we don't have nasty surprises hehe.

It will be a pleasure to meet u and make u cum very tasty, kisses guys ...

Se profilens galleri under denne annonsen

N: 1

The best


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