karlita trans er i: Caen, Frankrike

Ring meg på: 0646337046 eller: 0646337046

Skriv meg på: joselynetcedric@gmai.com
WhatsApp: 0646337046
- nevn at du fant annonsen på ShemaleWiki1725498716000

  • Størrelse
    5x19 cm
  • Alder
    24 år
  • Høyde
    165 cm
  • Vekt
    65 kg
  • Type
  • Nasjonalitet
  • Språk
  • My cam chat
  • My OnlyFans
  • My Social media
  • Mottar

You want a beautiful and elegant trans woman ... I will be happy to make you happy, I am a beautiful slim Latin trans and with a beautiful face, I suggest you have a good time of pleasure. I am active and passive
I am willing to listen to your requests.
Looking forward to meeting you karlita the best of lille

A reservation will be required before the appointment. I work with serious men and with money.

Se profilens galleri under denne annonsen

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