TSMELLINA er i: Glasgow, Storbritannien

Ring til mig på: 07731624099

WhatsApp: 07731624099
- fortæl, at du fandt annoncen på ShemaleWiki1737995790000

  • Størrelse
    8x18 cm
  • Alder
    30 år
  • Højde
    2 cm
  • Vægt
    75 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
  • Sprog
    engelsk, spansk, portugisisk, italiensk
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  • Modtager
New new,to offer you delicious and pleasant moments with the best luxury escort VIP,only for generous and polite men. Hot and sexy TS beautiful ,it will be unforgettable to celebrate private parties fetishes and pleasure!!

Hey guys !
I Speak Italian, Spanish, Portuguese!

My English is not very good, please speak slowly when contacting me so I can understand you.

New new,to offer you delicious and pleasant moments with the best luxury escort VIP,only for generous and polite men.
Hot and sexy TS beautiful ,it will be unforgettable to celebrate private partiesfetishe and pleasure!!
I guarantee you will have everything you want ,you will fell a lot of excitement.
I love massages with aromatherapy and relaxing oils including prostatic! Fisting and orgasms that will lead to ecstasy,long and hot wet kisses ,oral making you moan with pure pleasure with my fleshy and wet and sweet mouth.
Come check and taste and eat all my 8 inch hard and shaved cock ,I will make you taste my sweet and thick cum in your throat.

Check movies Youtube search Nayla Mellina Trans!
Special Domination services,humiliation,toys,uniforms,Cross dress..shut up, what I say and you obey.
Consultation of prices and services by my contact phone or whatssap ,I do not accept hidden calls...From your sweet girl,kisses.

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