TS Victoria er i: München, Tyskland

WhatsApp: +33780931287
- fortæl, at du fandt annoncen på ShemaleWiki1738693550000

  • Størrelse
    18x9 cm
  • Alder
    23 år
  • Højde
    179 cm
  • Vægt
    61 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
  • Sprog
  • My cam chat
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  • Modtager

I am a fully functional, versatile pre-op transsexual, friendly and understanding personality, passable and pretty, slim and sexy, intelligent and educated. I'm also have a lovely face, a great smile, a gorgeous round ass, brown eyes, killer curves, long shapely legs and baby-soft skin.

As an independent companion I provide you with quality, safety, unhurried time and prefer to limit my client to those who I feel will have the chemistry with me. I am very charming and outgoing personality and I know how to make you feel relaxed and at ease in my company, which make even the most nervous or anxious person feel comfortable in relaxed in my company.

Ready to give you the most pleasant, exclusive and totally unforgettable session you ever experienced My goal is to fulfill your fantasy and keep you coming back for more.

Please, send me a message by WhatsApp and in the first message please write your age, nationality/origin, exact time/date of the meeting and duration.
Thank you:)

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