Miss Kate white er i: Frederiksberg, Danmark

Ring til mig på: +45 91 96 52 93 eller: +45 91 96 52 93

WhatsApp: +45 91 96 52 93
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  • Størrelse
    20 cm
  • Alder
    29 år
  • Højde
    170 cm
  • Vægt
    75 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
  • Sprog
    engelsk, spansk, tysk, græsk
  • My cam chat
  • My OnlyFans
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  • Modtager

Erotic dominat sex

Hello my name is Kate White, I would like to ensnare you with my charming nature and my sex appeal and give you erotic pleasure that you will never forget.

My stiff 20cm are here to satisfy and spoil you.
Love parties and celebrations. I am a young transsexual with endlessly long legs, tender skin and an incredibly beautiful cock.
I love to pamper you and anticipate all your wishes.

I am very confident and worldly. I am a sensual and sexy trans, try me and you will see.
Your orgasm is 100% guaranteed. Super kinky, sensual. I love sucking.
Tell me your erotic fantasies!
My achievements are exceptional!
I am a sensual and sexy person, try me and you will see.
Orgasm is 100% guaranteed.

My serviceHOT ORAL SEX PURE Fine intimate kissing
Intimate Relaxation Oil Massages 69 Prostate Massage Fetish
Anal passive/active with rubber shower fun.
100% erection, kissing, erotic massages, ZK, cuddling, fisting,
French Bilateral, Deep Throat, FO, Role Play. Soft Dominant,
Facesitting, NS, Girlfriend Sex, Erotic Rape, 69,
Foot eroticism, bathing fun, cuddly sex, nylon fetish, patent & latex fetish,
Suspenders, prostate massage, high-tech vibrators to mega dildos.
Sex in all positions, verbal
+45 91 96 52 93 WhatsApp

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