SabinaSwedish88 er i: København, Danmark

Ring til mig på: 91444743

WhatsApp: +66803634713
- fortæl, at du fandt annoncen på ShemaleWiki1721563146000

  • Størrelse
    10 cm
  • Alder
    23 år
  • Højde
    167 cm
  • Vægt
    60 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
    Sverige, Thailand
  • Sprog
    engelsk, svensk, thai
  • My cam chat
  • My OnlyFans
  • My Social media
  • Modtager

Revolut-Paypal-Cash. WhatsApp +66803634713

15min 700dkk
30min 1200dkk
60min 2000dkk
All options included = French kissing BJwithout 69, different positions and wife experience hihi

Message me only on WhatsApp +66803634713
(Faster response if you send a picture as well)
I don't answer calls

Watch my xxx video reverse cowgirl:


Yes I'm real #Made in Bangkok
I'm finally here, your nearby Cute TS PowerBottom
I will be your first?
I’m Sabina born in 2001 full Thai with nice soft 500cc BOOBS I'm 167cm tall grew up in Sweden Sundsvall since 2008 speaks Thai, Swedish and English
Swedish citizenship with female Swedish passport

Im Trans/Shemale,
I'm only Bottom/Passive - I’m not Top/Aktiv
I do get hard if you wish to suck but not cum/sperm because of hormones medicine.
Small 10cm hard.
I have 21cm dildo.

Tall European guys is my type 180cm+
If I don't answer, it's on me. I'm just cute and tired

Need a guy to take me pass the immigration in vegas haha i got sent back on my second trip to Vegas, they ask to many questions. Let me take my pot of gold before the US crashes

bounce bounce
lets do it babe

”Send face foto otherwise no” (No foto no meet)
If you don’t have a picture of yourself then you are a CaveUncle and Donald Trump want you to walk home

WhatsApp: +66803634713

Sushi/Tacos/Thaifood date sounds cute.
I don’t Drink or smoke. Im into taking care of myself with spa and salon. Love watching The real housewife reality TV, maybe will be one of them one day haha


Se profilens fotogalleri under dette banner

N: 2

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