Chloeblondiedoll er i: Vanløse, Danmark

Ring til mig på: 50139532

- fortæl, at du fandt annoncen på ShemaleWiki1721286137000

  • Størrelse
    17 cm
  • Alder
    28 år
  • Højde
    170 cm
  • Vægt
    64 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
    Chile, Spanien
  • Sprog
    engelsk, spansk
  • My cam chat
  • My OnlyFans
  • My Social media
  • Modtager

Party sexy Girl , queen of blow job , nice body with big boobs active and pasive very horny

My name is ❤️ Chloe ❤️ . Independent TS
The pure seduction, a devil in bed 🔥 🔥
Powerful blonde, with big boobs to do Cuban with super French
i will give you unforgettable moments, BOTTOM as also TOP and always horny for you. I am a nimphomane transsexual Latina 100% with extra class.
Only 28 years young, 1.70 m tall, your doll only for you
Super figure Tight plump butt! 🔥 🔥
The photos are 100% real.
it's a hobby that I enjoy with passion. My service is suitable for BEGINNERS and advanced. I serve you considerately or hard, with passion without time pressure. Imaginative and very sweet, TOP/BOTTOM and open to many things - even quite dominant!
Like trios and sex group ,gang bang...
Are you tired of all models who do not keep their promises?
not keep their promises? With me you get almost everything as described here!
No ashing! If you do not reach me, just try again. I take a lot of time for my guests.
Party girl .... ❄️
Just come by:
24H/7 available!
im waiting your 🍆 whatsup bad boy

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