Diosa Tiffa

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  • Størrelse
    22x5 cm
  • Alder
    28 år
  • Højde
    2 cm
  • Vægt
    73 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
  • Sprog
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My name is Goddess Tiffa, I am a spectacular and charming transsexual, owner and mistress of each of your most perverse desires. I define myself as an educator of insatiable dogs and pigs and lovers of sexual games.
I offer you erotic services, dilation, cross-dressing, rain and copro, I am open to all kinds of fetishes and fantasies. I like to have those subdued and dominated at my feet, obeying each of my orders, above all, making me enjoy pleasure.
I will attend you in the most perverse way you can imagine. Come before your majesty, I'll wait for you in the central area of Mallorca You won't regret it. I attend by whatsapp. +34(645)553721

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