
Vi ved ikke hvor Natasha er. Send os et tip, hvis du ved noget på eller brug tip-formularen.


  • Størrelse
    19 cm
  • Alder
    29 år
  • Højde
    169 cm
  • Vægt
    70 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
  • Sprog
    engelsk, svensk, arabisk, russisk
  • My cam chat
  • My OnlyFans
  • My Social media
  • Modtager

Tekst findes på følgende sprog:

Are you looking for someone who can adapt to your desires? 💋
I can be everything you need:
...............• 🔥 Your bitch
...............• 👑 Your queen
...............• 👠 Your mistress
...............• ❤️ Your girlfriend
...............• 📚 Your teacher (in the world of pleasure)
...............• 👩‍👦 Your mother (if that's your thing)
I love playing these roles and more. Which one would you like me to be for you? 😉
Let me know if you want any adjustments!
If you want to write to me, please answer these questions: ✨
...............• 🌍 Where are you from?
...............• 🎂 How old are you?
...............• 💭 What do you want me to do with you?

Looking forward to hearing from you! 🌟

You can check out my naughty videos on Twitter
👆Twitter : miha_ts

Regular pictures/videos on Instagram
👆 Instagram : miha.trans

I live in the northern part of the city near a subway station, 12 minutes from T-Centralen

✅ Whatsapp/ tel: 073 958 86 87 ( fastest)
✅ Kik: (fast)
✅ snap:miha.trans
✅ telegram: miha_se
✅ Onlyfans:
✅ Instagram: miha.trans

Se profilens fotogalleri under dette banner

Youtube Videos


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