Antonella Prazeres - Real Photos - Extremely Femenine er i: Barcelona, Spanien

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  • Størrelse
    22x75 cm
  • Alder
    26 år
  • Højde
    2 cm
  • Vægt
    70 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
  • Sprog
    engelsk, spansk, portugisisk, fransk
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A marvelous brunette, beautiful and feminine, Princess Face, one of the most beautiful and unique you will meet. My name is Nicole, but for personal reasons I use the name in which I identify myself with Antonella. 26 years old.

With 1.72 in height, waist thin, full and delicious breasts, feet tam 38, beautiful and well taken care of as they should be. A I20x3cm, royal and thick dowry that will always be virile for passives with a gorgeous, super steep, proportionate GG and well-baked for the active. I have a very delicate face with a beautiful smile, fleshy lips and striking features. Smooth black hair, naturally scented and shaping the face.

I ask you to honor your commitments. In case of making an appointment, let me know 30 minutes in advance. I am punctual and I also have a life. Customers who dial and do not attend will have their number saved and blocked permanently

* Kisses *. Ready to make your wishes into reality!🌹

Se profilens fotogalleri under dette banner

N: 1

A suprizing encounter...


Monster cock dominated my tight asshole and face x


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