Hard Top Mistress Olivia Perez er i: Dubai (دبي), Forenede Arabiske Emirater

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  • Størrelse
    16x10 cm
  • Alder
    26 år
  • Højde
    173 cm
  • Vægt
    60 kg
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The real Pro Dominatrix OLIVIA PEREZ LUX

Welcome to my world of kink, I’m the irresistible Goddess Olivia Perez from the Philippines and I bring you both perfect beauty & a drool-inducing cock, together in the ultimate perfect package. Come and experience the mindfucking intoxication of being in my presence. As you will know from the moment you enter my world you will do as your told, first knee before me and be the slave you have fantasized about. Your Goddess will have you completely wrapped around her little finger, eager to please, begging to worship and totally spellbound. You will be trained as my sissy bitch slut you will be feminized as I see fit and left with an indelible impression of how powerful i am. You will know what it’s like and how it feels to kneel between my perfect smooth thighs, obeying every word, you will be hypnotically induced and powerless to stop me from having my way with you and you will be telling me that you will do anything to please me. There is only one appropriate response… “yes Goddess Olivia”

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