Agatha Russell er i: København, Danmark

Ring til mig på: +45 52676258

Skriv til mig på:
WhatsApp: +4552676258
- fortæl, at du fandt annoncen på ShemaleWiki1722461857000


  • Størrelse
    23x8 cm
  • Alder
    29 år
  • Højde
    175 cm
  • Vægt
    76 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
  • Sprog
  • My cam chat
  • My OnlyFans
  • My Social media
  • Modtager

😍Hello my loves ... my name is Agatha Trans female with a good body and exotic and beautiful face, I am as you see in the photos, I have experience with beginners also to have a lot of patience, my treatment towards you will be very nice as if You were my boyfriend, lover or as you prefer ... I only work with previous appointments, you can also write to my email or send a text message or WhatsApp. Thanks 💋

My photos are 100% real. I love sex, I am mostly active, very active🍆, but I can also be a Goddess in bed as a passive🍑, I provide all the services. Very versatile 🤪✌️🥰

I will make you very happy with my genuine super thick 23 cm (8.5 inch) cock🍆, probably the biggest you have ever tried. If something characterizes me, I am always available to shoot my abundant and hot sperm in your mouth or in your body.

I have LATEX, PVC and LEATHER including higa boots, clothes for a good DOMINATION SESSION! PLEASE WHEN YOU WANT TO COME, preferably write SMS or WhatsApp 20/30 minutes before.

✔️Cash 💶.
💎paypal 💎

I wait for you very hot🔥

Se profilens fotogalleri under dette banner


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