Alison er i: Dubai (دبي), Forenede Arabiske Emirater

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  • Størrelse
    16x10 cm
  • Alder
    23 år
  • Højde
    174 cm
  • Vægt
    60 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
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Snapchat: alison199528

Here's a lovable ASS EATER FEMBOY “KHLOE” that will truly FULFILL your FANTASIES and best SATISFUCKTION.

A student and a volleyball player

I guaranteed I’m clean and TESTED. A sweet ASS EATER for a wonderful companionship and romance you truly deserve. I also SELL SEX PHOTOS AND VIDEOS and do CUM SHOW.

I'm 25 years of age and I stand 168 cm with best assets for a wonderful pleasure. I can fulfill your body needs by my warm hand touched and carress. BODY TO BODY massage to unite our WILD IMAGINATION. Every kisses from me is as sweet as chocolates and every hugs is as gentle as the winds embraces you.

My great pleasure is when I made you satisfied and fulfilled your fantasies on sex and love. YOUR SATISFACTION IS MY DEEPEST PRIORITY HERE. 

A good companionship, warm hug and sweet kiss is mostly achieved. Good thoughts, wild sex experience and unforgettable journey together will definitely on the right place.

Give it a try and assure you no regrets only fulfilled happiness.

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