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AnmeldelserHi there. I'm a friendly English trans girl. An insatiable minx, naturally feminine looking, petite, smooth skin with a sexy bum and a perfectly formed 8 inch surprise. When it comes to sex I am versatile meaning I'm active and top (give anal) and also bottom (receive anal). I also love oral both ways.
In-calls in Crawley near Gatwick. Whether you like a sensual girlfriend experience, desire a dirty slut or maybe submitting to a dominant Mistress then be prepared to turn your fantasies into reality. First timers welcome.
Available 11am to 9.30pm Monday to Friday and on an ad-hoc basis on Saturday & Sundays. Call on the day when you are ready to come see me. No withheld numbers, thank you.
Cash (payable on arrival)
Bank Transfer (payable in advance for first hour)
I now also accept Bitcoin but please add 20% to cover transaction fees (payable in advance for first hour)
As well as being a sexy seductress I am also an experienced make-up artist meaning my makeovers are of a professional standard. I have a large selection of outfits and wigs and am highly regarded for transformations. No experience necessary and all sizes catered for. Minimum 2 hour booking.
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