FİRST CLASS VALERİA*) er i: Istanbul, Tyrkiet

Ring til mig på: 05388908084

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WhatsApp: +9005388908084
- fortæl, at du fandt annoncen på ShemaleWiki1733757914000

Anmeldelser *) FİRST CLASS VALERİA er også kendt som: TS Hilal og Valeria

  • Størrelse
    19 cm
  • Alder
    22 år
  • Højde
    170 cm
  • Vægt
    61 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
  • Sprog
    engelsk, tyrkisk
  • My cam chat
  • My OnlyFans
  • My Social media
  • Modtager


Hello sweetheart :)
onlyfans : valeria06
I am Trans Valeria and I am here to spoil you when needed. I have an apartment in a luxury residence in the city and I live there.
Yes, I am a transsexual from Gorgeous Turkey and I have a hot and hard cock for you.
Which other woman can give you such beautiful breasts, a big ass and a hard cock at the same time? So don't wait, call me ;)
22 years old 60 kilos 170 tall sexy tall
Amazing long red soft hair curls,
attractive eyes, curvy lines, white full hips and natural original white skin.

a private, secret and LUXURIOUS friendship.
I am the ultimate fantasy.
I can come to your hotel or place...
***No rush ***
Very clean. No diseases
100% REAL pictures and videos
***I can speak English very well **
Do you need a horny girl just for you? I am here whenever you want. VALERIA Greetings…
I can travel to all countries upon request. For details, you can reach me via whatsapp.
Snapchat: valeriapremiumm
instagram: hilagrammm

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