Empress Lee er i: Melbourne, Australien

Ring til mig på: (+61) 420294541

WhatsApp: +61450019617
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  • Størrelse
    15 cm
  • Alder
    25 år
  • Højde
    168 cm
  • Vægt
    50 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
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My name is Empress Lee,

If Your The Type of Gentlemen Who Only Wants The BEST in LIFE and Spends his Moneys Worth to Anything that He thinks is Quality. If You Are Looking for That Perfect 1st time Experience with the Most Natural Feminine Shemale...
Then You Have Found The BEST SHEMALE GF Experience in TOWN!...
Passable, Natural Feminine with Great Curves yet Fit Body...
100% REAL SHEMALE Who Lives, Breaths and Eat as a Full Grown Woman with Something Extra Down There... Whom does not dresses up as a Girl Just for FUN nor for Money.

Whatsapp, Calls and SMS :

Premium Beauty from Every Angle, Irresistable, Power of Elegance. A touch of Perfection for all to Envy...
Come break the limitations of everyday life & unwind in a relaxed atmosphere in my private discreet place, love dressing up so expect my sexiest lingerie, stockings, high heels and boots.
I'm sure that you are dreaming of finding and unforgettable experience, so let me assure you that you found the TS of your dreams. I definitely want meet you.
And I am an Ultra Feminine Stunning Asian Transsexual, Slim but Curvaceous, Sexy Lips matched with a Sexy Sultry Almond Eyes. Very Soft Fare Supple Skin to touch. I am an independent shemale escort based in Manila, Philippines.
I will differently make your Experience worth while being with me.
You will absolutely Love my Long Slender Legs, Soft Supple Breast, Hot Big Juicy Ts Ass, Soft Lips and Sexy Sultry Eyes.

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