Very nice girl with a monster cock

Review by: Passive boy
Published: 1509797791000
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I met Christine some years ago in Milan.
She's exactly as in her pictures, even better! Already at the phone she was super kind with a nice sensual voice, and she told me clearly she's only active. I said I know.
I got to her place, quite and clean apartment and I was welcome by her in high heels, top and slip. She was stunning! Beautiful. Slowly i got introduced to the bedroom and i got off my chlothes. I was obviusly clean and she as well. While getting undressed, she got off her slip, and there was a huge beautiful penis... I got closer to her, touching her cock with my hand, slowly, as a fragile chinese ceramic. Still soft, it was already showing the power it could get on me. It's such a beautiful vision a tall nice girl with a thick dick, completely shaved, it's really sexy.
We got down to the bed, lying on our sides in a horizontal 69, and we suck each others. She loved my big dick too, but her one was huge: growing very fast in my mouth, at one point became very difficult do take it at least to the half...
I told her I've been already passive but I never got such a monster cock, and she was really kind and lovely to take me with patience, slowly, putting her big penis against my scared anus, this kind of fear of pain but you're just waiting for that. It's your wish, your pleasure. In that condition, while she was kindly knocking at my door, I relaxed so well that she could penetrate me, and if first obviusly hurt a bit, then the warm meat imposing his presence in my ass won and the pleasure took part to a really nice fuck, atypical for those kind of situations, she was really caring about my pleasure and wellness. I was lying on my back with a pillow under my bum, and her penis was making the whole way in and out my hole, and she was saying to me she will cum on my face....
We changed position as Lying on the back became painful, so she ordered me to put myself down on the floor, my ass in the air and my face directly on the carpet: you already understood the situation...that, as she said to me, is her favorite position, at least that time... it was explosive hot! She put some lub more on my anus and on her cock, then she come closer to me, one hand on my back to keep the balance and the other one directing her dick to my ass... my heart beated as crazy, as well as I'm writing now, and she got in easily cause my bum was already completly open and the position was helping a lot.
She stuffed me fast and hard, deep, slapping my ass that surely became red, saying she wanted to cum over me, and keeping destroying my ass at one point she was about to cum and she took me violently by my hairs up, turning my head and body, she took off the condom and i sucked her a bit, enough to feel the precum in my mouth: she pull her dick out my mouth and she cum brutaly on my face and in my open mouth, I felt it was liters of hot thick cum taking place on my face!! Than she put it again in my mouth and she fucked me there too, cumming the last drops with hot shakes, till she got on the bed and looking to me, my face full of cum, on my chest till the base of my penis. Looking at mem she told me I was really pretty, smiling, and she told me to get closer to her, to continue sucking her and masturbate till I cum too, cause she wanted to see my cum and let me go back home happy. I did it, i took her flaccid penis in my mouth, feeling still the cum and the warm of the meat, and took me one second to cum hardly, with her penis in mouth, her eyes on me, her smile for my beaty cummed face...

Did she live up to your expectations?

Absolutely yes!!

Time and place of the experience

Milano 2014

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