Jana Diniz = Unforgettable eroticism

Review by: NRW4FUN
Published: 1601752783000
Anmeldelse er tilgjengelig på følgende språk:

Trans Jana Diniz Devot

When she opened the door and only looked out from behind the door with her face, I was pleasantly surprised, she looks better than in the pictures. Not so heavily made up but much more natural and younger, there are pictures included where she was younger and a little slimmer, but that doesn't change her good looks or charisma. From the first to the last minute she was nice, courteous, in a good mood, is entertaining and always with a smile on her face. In bed, she briefly tests how the person is who is visiting me and then the fireworks go off. I put it this way ......... It is well equipped and everything works like a new luxury car. When there is a spark or the chemistry is right, there are no limits. She drops and loses her balance, nothing more is possible. My experience with her has been very good entirely and without reservation.

Did she live up to your expectations?

My expectations were not only met, they were exceeded.

Did you get anything not on the menu?

No, there was nothing that was missing.

Did she deny you anything on her menu?

No Jana always wanted one more than me.

Comment to the rating

When I get the feeling I am your best friend. Then the assessment is justified.

Time and place of the experience

3. October 2020 Duisburg

Tilbake Alle anmeldelser

N: 1

Trans Jana Diniz Devot

Er i: Pforzheim, Tyskland
Siste av 3 anmeldelser: I had a great hour with her

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