It was perfect

Review by: Selcuk
Published: 1559512618000
Anmeldelse er tilgjengelig på følgende språk:


I saw her reciews on this website and thought i want good sex and i will choose for her. I texted her the first time and she was not in town and the next time i have texted her she was in town and i could come to her.

She is a very warm and welcoming person and very beautifull. I felt myself home from the first moment when i entered her house. I put my clothes off and join her and we did some foreplay. After the foreplay you saw that i am submissive and said suck my dick and things like that.. i enjoyed it a lot.

As person i love to watch brazilian porn for me the body of the girls and the way they talk is so horny and Hellen is also Brazilian so i could have the sex of my dreams. When she was fucking my i could say the words which i have learned from the brazilian porn movies hahaha. I said gustooso it means it is so hot and deliciaa but the way of pronounciation is so fucking hot, when i am writing this i am thinkibg i have to go to Brazil. I was aleays affraid if i go there i would not come back hahahha but this year i will go

Thanks Hellen for the beautifull sex you have destroyed my ass but you make my day.

Normally when i get fucked i dont like it because the girls put the cock to fast inside and it hurts, but Hellen knows what she is doing. She fucks really with passion. This girl loves her job. If i was living in her town i would come every week.

Did she live up to your expectations?

Yes aboslutely

Did you get anything not on the menu?

No if there was a menu, she offered me much more then the menu. When i was leaving i thought i have paid less for this good sex

Did she deny you anything on her menu?


Comment to the rating

It was beautifull

Time and place of the experience

18:00 Lisbon

Tilbake Flere anmeldelser av Hellen (+22) Alle anmeldelser

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