Nice experience with a super hot and feminine girl

Review by: Islændingen.
Published: 1490734614000
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I have watched this lovely lady's profile for a long time, and today I pulled myself together and called her. After talking back and forth, we agreed that she would come to my house for a cozy date. I've tried some by now, but this is one of my very best experiences! When she came in the door, wow what a beautiful girl - the pictures are absolutely of her (unfortunately not always the case of course), but she is much prettier in real life. She smells good and she has the most female voice I've experienced yet. We got us a glass of chilled sparkling water (citrus) while we enjoy talked about everything under the sun. It was really nice and I was actually quite nervous. Fortunately, she is so down to earth and kind, so the nervousness was canceled by the cozy atmosphere before we got sorted financially.

Did she live up to your expectations?

Yes! to the fullest. We agreed on a round of French and it was a brilliant experience. She's really skilled with both mouth and hands, so really excellent. Sometimes you may well find that it is 5 min with French and the rest by hand, but here there was a good variation between mouth and hands, and could not count the many different methods and ways she sucked me in, this is truly a pro.

Did you get anything not on the menu?

We never talked properly about lists. I phoned up, we talked a little about what I could imagine what she had in mind and agreed on both performance, duration and price, you can feel she is doing this also because she likes it.

Did she deny you anything on her menu?

Same answer as above

Time and place of the experience

28/03 2017 Aarhus.

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