My ass is gaping

Review by: Happy boy
Published: 1536611522000
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When a beautiful women open door with a great smile, kisses you on the cheeks and wish you welcome, you know you have chose perfect girl to visit.
And boy what a visited it was! First she starts kiss with passion (i was sold at that point) she is really good kisser. Then we take clothes off (and i saw her huge cock) she take me to the bedroom and make me suck hers cock. After I haved suck and she get hard she make me go lay on the bed and start licking my ass, (lovely surprice) after that she slowly push her cock inside of my ass(what a fleeling) She starts with gently pushes but after a while she was really ramming my ass. We change position and now I was in a doggy style and damn she was fucking me hard. And what was really nice, it seems she was enjoying it too. After she cum in my ass, it was my turn. She suck my dick really good, and after I was hard it was my time the fuck her. I fuckd her in different positions, but it won't take long time before i cum. She had a really nice and tight ass.
I hope everybody would have experience like this!

Did she live up to your expectations?

Yes, and be gone way over my expectations.

Did you get anything not on the menu?

I wasn't required anything.

Did she deny you anything on her menu?


Comment to the rating

Absolutely perfect!

Time and place of the experience

10.9.18 Turku

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*) Belladenise ist auch bekannt als: Aythama und Kelly

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