Thoroughly pounded my virgin hole

Review by: Fogeden
Published: 1522278202000
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Anastasia Fontini

She started by inviting me in, asking me to take my clothes off and asked about the money, she asked what I liked and when I said it was my first time she took me out, got me washed and took me back to the room and I began to suck her cock. After that she had been hard, she fucked me hard in doggystyle, which hurt at first but she was sweet and put on a lot of lube. She continued to fuck me and to dominate my ass, turn me into missionary and pounded me again very hard until I came. I thought I was done after I had taken clothes and put them on, until she asked me to come and suck her cock like I did before until she gave me her semen in my face.

Did she live up to your expectations?

She was more aggressive than I expected, which only made it better.

Did you get anything not on the menu?


Did she deny you anything on her menu?


Comment to the rating

Perfect fist time experience.

Time and place of the experience

On March 28, 2018 just before midnight

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