Not at great experience

Review by: Tyren
Published: 1520737260000
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Sabrina Morais

The profile's answer to this review
I dont think that this review is a fair representation of what happened between us

Date: 10 March 2018 Probably the worst TS experience ever! Was made to wait in the toilet while she is in the process of arranging/arguing with a customer in her room. I come in asking if she's ok, yes, she does answer, no smile, no kiss, no presence and care for the client. it beeps in with SMS and calls that she stops and answers. It was definitely not a person who is service minded and focusing on a good experience, paid 1,000 kr, and walked away after 8 minutes, with a very tame and bad experience, neither kisses, bj or other caresses, was something I experienced. The worst experience ever, no time to care, service, seemed like she only wanted money!

Did she live up to your expectations?

Definitely not, quite on the contrary.

Did you get anything not on the menu?

No nothing.

Did she deny you anything on her menu?

Yes no kiss, no latex/lacque as she promised on SMS, 500 extra she said to everything I asked about.

Time and place of the experience

10 Mar. 2018

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