Came with a big load of cum

Review by: Marco
Published: 1510231698000
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A couple of years ago I visited Angelina in Copenhagen and had a pretty good experience. Therefore, it was not difficult to decide to repeat the success now that she was in Odense. Via sms I ordered one hour of time and was received in the door. She looked like herself, but was probably more bulky than last time. It destroyed a part of the experience, as she basically reminded me of an overweight guy in the 30's than a girl with a cock. The sex was also not something special, which I would like to take part og the blame for. I was not really turned on after seeing her, but the horniness had taken over and I was just out to come. To her praise must be said that she is delivering a proper load and does not seem to have any problems with it. So if that's what you're looking for then Angelina is the girl for you. The rooms were also not great, smelled of smoke and it was pretty messy.

Did she live up to your expectations?

No not really. Too much on the weight ruins the illusion of the woman with a cock.

Time and place of the experience

Odense, November 2017

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Ist in: Kirke Eskilstrup, Dänemark
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*) Angelina ist auch bekannt als: Andrea und Angeline

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