My first experience with this wonderful girl was the greatest

Review by: Stier1977
Published: 1501320231000
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Lorena Grossmen

Hallo.....i have met Lorena Grossmen on 1st Januray of 2015 in Cologne. I have visited several parties and I decided to get a new experience to have a good start in 2015. I was quite nervous because it was my first time. I gave her a call- and she answered me calm and polite and in anyway very sexy.... I was really impressed by her voice. I took a Taxi and went to the mentioned adress - ... not forget - i have asked her if she woul wear some latex dress for me - and really she kept her promise.....she opened the door in a sexy red shiny dress - I was more than nervous and I was really impressed- the photos on the webside - which were looking really sexy - she was looking even better. She let me in, offered a drink and went for dressing up in her clothes- she came back in a latex dress - I felt in love. It was my first experience with a shemale and since that day - I am checking nearly daily the internet just in with the hope that she will return to Germany so i get a chance to meet her again. .... back to my date - I was allowed to touch her and she kissed me - due to the fact that it was my firstt experience I was really .... I don´t know how to express it. she gave me the full service of a shemale - kissing fucking touching - she even slapt my ass- that was a wish of mine.... I really loved to feel her lips on mine, I had such a great experience that I tried to get video of her in the internet or even to find a contact address - I would like to get that experience again. her taste was superdelicious :) Excuse my bad english..... I hope that I will be able to meet her again at some point in future.... ahja.... not to forget - I was allowed to extend our date for more than two hours - so it was all well without any stress- just enjoy feeling good and relaxed and have fantastic sex

Did she live up to your expectations?

....even more than was such a great experience that I have tried other shemales out but Lorena was the greatest

Did you get anything not on the menu?

No- I got everything and even more thant that- i was allowed to make some pictures to remind me for that great day- she promised me a latex dress and she was looking very sexy in it .....she was really looking great with her green latex dress, and the golden earrings

Did she deny you anything on her menu?

No..... she gave me more than I had expected

Comment to the rating

She was my first experience with a shemale and up till now the greatest- I hope I will be able to meet her again at some point.

Time and place of the experience

January 1st of 2015 Cologne

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