Her pictures are real

Review by: Saxton
Published: 1412164743000
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The profile's answer to this review
I have this problem... There was this one client in copenhaguen and he wanted to have unsafe sex,and to piss and shit on me..i told him no and that he should please leave... I am now suprised that he ade a very bad comment on my profile and thats not nice...I did not even take his money...he was not clean and so I did not date with him,I do not wish for his negative and fake comment to be on my review list without commenting on them

It was quickly over. She accepted the payment and then attempted to sell a colleague instead. When I refused it, she was very uncooperative and would only return half of the money. Some persistence resulted in that she "only" kept kr. 100 Her pictures are real, but she has a bad character.

Did she live up to your expectations?

No way.

Did she deny you anything on her menu?

Yes, everything.

Comment to the rating

Since there can not be 0 stars she gets one.

Time and place of the experience

Copenhagen 09/30/14

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N: 2


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*) Anaya ist auch bekannt als: Anaña, Bianca Marx, Sabrina Fontinny, Chumina und Sabrina

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