Drove her cock all the way inside me

Review by: cantakeabig1
Published: 1402245809000
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She welcomed me with open arms and a kiss. I did take a shower first. We got in bed and it was not long before she tore off her panties, wanking her dick half hard and fed me with it. She did not ask just pressed it all the way down my throat. I sucked as best I could, but eventually had to lick her deep in the ass hole. This made her completely crazy, and she ordered me over on my stomach. She pulled on her condom, lubricated my ass and drove her cock all the way inside me hard and brutaly. She fucked me at a furious pace. After a long moment where my ass really got boggeredd hard, we were both wet through from sweat, so we took another shower. Then it was my turn to fuck her, but first a little sucking and black kisses. She took my cock with real screams and yelling for me to fuck harder. Use me like a whore she said. We finished the session in that I was ordered on my back with a pillow under my bum. She ran her cock into my ass again while she jerked me into a fierce orgasm.

Did you get anything not on the menu?

Black kisses

Time and place of the experience

Oslo, June 2014, Norway

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