She seems to enjoy it very much

Review by: ladyboylover
Published: 1379594962000
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I visited her at a hotel in Copenhagen . She was a little pricey ( 2,200 kr . / Hr) and therefore I was a little nervous about what you got. But what I like best is the little ladyboys who are very feminine and she is , so I took the chance.

Incredibly beautiful , in fact, nicer than the pictures, which by the way is 100% honest. A very good experience with close body contact and girlfriendsex .

After the Act was we chatted (perfect English) and had gone about 1 hour which I had paid for. We lay close and little man began to stir again . The incredible thing was that she was hard again (she had also come before) and we took a trip more. She came again while I was fucking her - I think she likes to be passive.

Her cock is not huge ( it is as I prefer ) but quite stiff and hard throughout the Act . She seems to enjoy it very much.

After 2 hours I stood on the street again completely exhausted. She did not mention the extra time with a word.

I have visited her twice and got an even better experience the second time since the reunion joy was great. It reminds me of Thai girls , where you can also get a better experience once they know you better .

Did she live up to your expectations?

I did not have any expectations , since there are so many bad experiences out there. But she is my best experience yet.

Did you get anything not on the menu?

I got everything !

Did she deny you anything on her menu?

On the contrary she even suggested several things.

Comment to the rating

The absolute best experience to date and I have tried many !

Time and place of the experience

Copenhagen , January 2012.

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