So I lay down with my ass in the air and then she started

Review by: normal pik
Published: 1381851668000
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Sharon Stiller

The best black kiss you get from Sharon. It is possible that Sharon no longer advertises that she gives black kisses, but she does .
I visited her in 2012 , and would really just have black kisses and a blowjob. She certainly do not mind , so I lay down with my ass in the air and then she started to play with my asshole .
It felt as if she had got a rubber on the tongue , but the experience was super and she gave it plenty of time . Then she sucked me hard and wheb that had happened and I really just had to come , I wanted to take her from behind and it was quite ok.

Did she live up to your expectations?

Very cute and comfortable and perfect black kisses for more than 5 minutes.

Did you get anything not on the menu?

Black kisses in abundance.

Comment to the rating

Super gorgeous Sharon, but the place is a total let down. Therefore 4 out of 5 stars .

Time and place of the experience

August 2012

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Sharon Stiller

Neueste von 76 Bewertungen: Best of the best

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