A day with a goddess

Review by: D man
Published: 1705943039000
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To be honest there is no words would describe how amazing Sabrina is. However I will give it a go.
Sabrina has an outstanding personality, she is gorgeous with rocking body, she takes care of her self from head to toe, she has solid and big toy between her legs.
I have met her few times already in Amman Jordan. When she opens the door to meet you, she dresses to impress, when I got in her 5 stars apartment, she took me to the living room to chat to take the edge and the stress away, she was touching my legs in gentle way. When she felt that I am relaxed enough, she took me to the bed where all the magic happened, she undressed while she was kissing me then she took off her clothes and gave me her big toy to play with, I didn’t hesitate to start sucking her, then 69 and many many things. To be honest I am getting hard writing this review. I highly recommend her. Thank you gorgeous can’t wait to see you again.

Did she live up to your expectations?

Ohhhh yes

Did you get anything not on the menu?

Everything on the menu and more

Did she deny you anything on her menu?

Not at all

Time and place of the experience

October 2023 Amman Jordan

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