Maybe I caught her on an off night because her other reviews are pretty good

Review by: Chorizo
Published: 1630555350000
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Sabrina Morais

Polite, gave directions well. Said she could do all I requested. Soon as I got there, everything I’d requested, WS etc was extra. I wasn’t even allowed to do my own poppers without paying extra. She had one go at penetrating me, but I was so rushed I couldn’t relax enough quickly enough. Then she tried to send me on my way and I’d realised I’d spent £240 and been there 16min. Rushed is an understatement. Brazilian TS girls already have a terrible reputation in London, I really don’t know how she could possibly believe I’d be back after that showing.
Felt robbed.

Did she live up to your expectations?


Did you get anything not on the menu?

Yes, after paying extra, for absolutely everything, including use of poppers I brought from home!

Did she deny you anything on her menu?

Denied everything until she was paid more. Surprised it wasn’t extra to breathe too. Reminded me of Ryanair!

Time and place of the experience

LONDON August 2021

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