
Review by: Goddess_Alexia_Lover
Published: 1612190480000
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Alexia Govoni

This was my second time to visit Alexia, I thought I had lost my virginity many years ago! on this visit Alexia showed me I was still very much a virgin and she took great pleasure robbing my virginity 😊.

It was the most amazing experience i ever had, she raped my ass non-stop, i was so open and wet she followed by fist 🤛 me, and after some time he had 2 hand 🤛🤛 inside, after a small break she foot fisted me, it was a non stop pounding (i can still feel her inside me). In between all the sweet sex, hard fucking, shooting her load in my ass and fisting me she gave me the most wonderful blow job.

What i like about Alexia, she is a goddess, a very pretty tgirl, super smart girl who you can chat to, and she can fuck like no other, and can cum manny times and never looked at her watch.

You need to try for yourself, the experience is only something you can dream about.

Did she live up to your expectations?

Yes and much much more. An experience you can only dream about, alexia took me to places I could only imagine. Added bonus is she is super sexy and a really nice person.

Did you get anything not on the menu?

Yes yes yes 1st she is everything and more than her offers. 2nd She is super professional so a blowjob is more than just a standard blow job, sex is so much more than sex and Alexia is a machine when it comes to sex.

Did she deny you anything on her menu?

No, and she gave much more time than agreed. No clock watching.

Comment to the rating

Unbelievable experience, you must try it for yourself to understand.

Time and place of the experience

Vienna 2021

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