Made a sissy slut

Review by: Sissy
Published: 1601753232000
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Met Peachy in Singapore a few years back. I was quite new to the scene and was extremely nervous meeting a ladyboy. Saw her ad on tsdating and i decided to contact her. During our chats, she decided that she wasnt horny enough to meet me on the day i was free, so i became her bitchboy, at her beck and call. 2 days later she decided to meet and i had to pass her looks test first, was told to parade up and down the street while she observed me from her hotel window.

Getting the green light i was told to wait in the hotel lonby for her to get ready. Knocked on the door and was led in, she knew my fantasies and went straight into undressing me. Saw my cock and laughed immediately calling it a clit, she grabbed my hand and placed in on hers. She was soft and already it filled my hands. I only wanted to touch and give a bj to a ladyboy. She made me crossdress whatever she took out. Her thongs, bra and lingerie. Forced me to wear her heels and was made to walk from the door to the bed, with her spreading her legs. She pointed to the ground and i fell to my knees, pulled my head close and warned me not to use any teeth, the sissy in me tried but she was huge, as she felt my teeth i felt a slap. Worse still, she used her huge dick to slap my face too. I was so humilated. But she wanted to give me a full experience.

She guided me and made sure her cock was always in my mouth when she moved our position from the bed to be in front of the mirror, telling me how im such a good sissy slut. Sucking her big fat cock as she forces herself deeper into my throat. I gagged, chocked and teared only to be met with her sadistic laughter.

She told me i was making her extremely horny and she needed to fuck me doggy style. I was so so nervous but i had no choice but to say Yes. I was biting the bottom of my lip when she entered, i shuddered in pain but she didnt care till she was completely in me. I was begging her to stop as i could not take her huge cock in me. She didnt! She tried to wiggle up and down, left and right but this time i was reduced to tears. She took pity on me, grabbed my hair and came out of me, spun me around gave me a slap that dazed me and forced her cock in my mouth choking me yet again. Dragged me by the hair to the mirror and said “sissy sluts belong on their knees and look at you sucking my cock” “let me reward you” she proceeded to cum on my face while i came on the floor. She made sure her cum stayed on my face while her cock went flaccid only then was i allowed to shower.

Chatted abit before leaving

Did she live up to your expectations?

More than anyrhing

Did you get anything not on the menu?

I got more than i asked for

Did she deny you anything on her menu?


Comment to the rating

Fucking A star

Time and place of the experience


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