She fucked me hard until I came

Review by: TloverT
Published: 1579647922000
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The pictures are kinda misleading...
They must be old or someone was good at fotoshop. Because when I met her She had a lott of belly and had very dissapoiting looks. I asked if she could wear some latex and she did but the it looked cheap and worn.. The place she recieved me in wasnt the cleanest and smelt kinda funky. But i was horny and went through with it. We agreed on half an hour and She started off with handig me a popper and giving me a good bj. Later i returned the favor but in no time i was lying on my back, she slipped on a condom en fucked me quitte hard so the popper did work very well because normally it takes me more time to recieve such a hard pounding.. Came Within 10 minutes and she handed me over some paper to wipe myself clean... Obviously she was into more because she said she wanted me to stay longer.. .. But i didnt feel it so i left..

Did she live up to your expectations?

No the pictures dont represent the reality

Did you get anything not on the menu?


Did she deny you anything on her menu?

Wel we decided on some mutual fucking but it didnt happen... So yes...

Time and place of the experience

Germany beginning of 2018

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