The best I have had

Review by: Blessed
Published: 1558944329000
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Mila Viasotti

I contacted her the same day she landed in Sweden. Agree to meet her a little late, but it was worth the wait. I was the first to meet her this trip. She switched to sexy underwear and then it was a little mutual oral sex. Then I lay on my back and she rode me until she came on my chest. Then she lay on her back and I continued until I came across her breast. When everything was ready, we talked a little before I left her.

Did she live up to your expectations?

Absolutely. Looks just like their pictures

Did you get anything not on the menu?

You don't talk about that :)

Did she deny you anything on her menu?

Absolutely not.

Comment to the rating

Top nice and no stress

Time and place of the experience

25-5-2019 Stockholm

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N: 2

Mila Viasotti*)

Ist in: Stockholm, Schweden
Neueste von 49 Bewertungen:

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*) Mila Viasotti ist auch bekannt als: Karina, Karin und TS Milla

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